Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Hold up, did I hear that right?

You did. I'm going camping.
Well, I don't really know what to expect (I've only ever been once) so god knows how this one will turn out.
The place we're staying at looks really sweet tho, so it might be fun. The only problem is I don't have any funkyarse wellies and there isn't any time (or money) to get any. I guess I'll just have to make do with a pair of brogues, a jigsaw jacket and a red t-shirt with a crazy motherfucker of a rabbit on the front.

Did you know that 'sausages' has USA in it? HA!

Don't ask. I don't even know what I'm on about most of the time.

Think of me when you're all tucked up tight in your beds, toasting your feet. Think of me when you are out dancing merrily and drinking and smoking. Think of me in a smelly, wet tent with no fags or drink or music to dance to my ipod would've died on the 4-hour drive to the West Country. Think of me.

Until then, Mad-lem.

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